Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Get retarded

Just as JBITO jumped back into the cipher, Beezy has elected to get grimy on the mic, as documented here and herr and every other goddamn place. (Word to Dub Mose for the rundown.)

The obvious point here is to reiterate the central maxim of the JBITO editorial charter: No one here is trying to argue that Joe Biden Is the Best, or that Joe Biden Is the Leading Light of Early 21st-Century American Political Discourse. We are simply trying to argue this: Joe Biden Is Thugged Out. And despite its obviously repugnant character, "chronic racial grandpaism" (big up, Josh Marshall) is, in the most morally neutral sense, totally thugged out. And, though props go out to the raw-dog Cleanth Brookses of the Internet, this is not some comma bullshit.

Further, this whole episode has given a moment's pause to the JBITO management because, on the real, the fascists are some heavy dudes. To pull back the velvet curtain of authorial distance for a moment, we shall acknowledge the following: Joe Biden Is Thugged Out is, after all, a blog that self-consciously utilizes the expansive and glorious vernacular of a subculture rooted in the traditions and aesthetics of the American minority underclass to talk about big money politics. (We will also mention the following, in the interests of full disclosure: JBITO's editorial staff is, well, white. And of semiprivileged background. And rural/exurban in origin. And works in the culture industry at a place with "creative directors." And is, at the time of this writing, wearing a blazer.) So, you know, mea culpa.

Our point, if we have one, is this: Joe Biden's comments are crazy ill in the worst way possible. Joe Biden says dumb shit on the regular, but this is above and beyond in several regards. But Joe Biden is a major American political figure with crazy foreign-policy intellect who likes to say insane things on the regular. So this press remains open.

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