I come to John Kerry's defense. Senator Joe Biden, in announcing his candidacy for the Democratic presidential nomination, was so patronizing of Barack Obama and insulting to other black politicians that maybe he thought he had to be just plain nasty to rest of the contenders, real and imagined. He called Kerry and Al Gore "blow-dried" politicians. Let me start with Gore. The first time I discussed his hair volume with him was 1988, the first time he ran for the party's nod. I suggested Rogaine, later Propecia, subtle blow drying. I was and am an expert of these subterfuges. They're how I take care of the visual consequences of aging. Let me just say that Al doesn't use any of the miracle products, and he's got enough hair and enough hair in the right places not to use blow-dryer. Honest.
Let us concede: Beezy's kinda thin on top. And Lil John does, in fact, rock rough and stuff with the Afro puffs. But let us not judge a man by his baldness; Beezy is from an august lineage:

Above: Guru, a.k.a Baldhead Slick
Above: Onyx. Ack like you know.
Above: The non plus ultra of fly says, "Martin Peretz don't want no parts of me."